Friday, June 1, 2012


It has been forever since I have been on here, so I thought I might get back on! Sooooo much has been going on. I got a new job in February that was such a blessing. It has turned out to be so wonderful and God has really given me more than I ever deserve! It makes me excited about what else is to come to the future. God has so many plans for us and uses for our lives here on Earth and we just need to throw our hands up and let Him take control to use us.

Cooper and I have been doing so incredibly well! He makes me extremely happy, and I love being able to spend time with that man, whenever possible. One thing that we have decided to try to do this year is pay off our debt. We may not have a whole lot, well I do- with my giant student loans, which will NOT be paid off this year, but hopefully everything else, and then hopefully I can get those down soon enough! We are also faithfully attending Church, together. We have been doing that for a while now. When Cooper had a different job last year, it was sometimes hard for us to go to church together, because he had to work on Sundays a lot, but God blessed him also with a new career path this year, which has allowed us to be able to attend regulary at Lifechurch's OKC campus, and we both love it! We really believe that going to church, reading the Bible, and incorporating God into our relationships (not just spouses, but family, friends, co-workers, EVERYONE) is the best way to do life!

Speaking of reading the Bible, I have been on the One-Year Reading Plan on my Youversion Bible App. It takes you through an Old Testament reading, a New Testament reading, and a Proverbs and a Psalm everyday. Some days I get behind, but then I catch up, or read ahead, so it all evens out! Currently, I am on Day 243 of 366! Woop Woop! I have never read the Bible all the way through, so I figured why not!?! Cooper is also on the plan, but we are on different days. It is amazing how God can speak to you through his Word. I know everyone always says that's how it works, but it is so incredible when you are having trouble with something or worrying about something and it's like God is reassuring you as you read and it applies directly to your situation. Awesome.

There is probably much more to update on, but I am about to start a training conference call for my work, so this will have to do for now! Hope all is well with everyone! Oh yeah, and I ran 3 5k runs so far this year and before that, I had never done any! Haha! Crazy!!!! Here is a pic of Coop and I at a Thunder game! Sooooo happy they won last night against the Spurs in the Western Conference Finals! Hopefully they can keep it up! THUNDER UP!